Preview Sample Questions

Want to see a sample of the DiD’s All About You and All About Your Experience sections? Of course you do!

REMINDER: You control what you share. We communicate privately and nothing goes public without your permission.

The ALL ABOUT YOU section gives context for your stories section. Most questions can be answered with Yes, No, N/a. Longer answers are welcome but not expected.
Name or Anonymous:

Please share how you prefer to introduce yourself:
What communities do you identify with:
Your pronouns are:
Current Job Title(s) and Organization(s) (if applicable):
Have you held any positions that make funding decisions and/or sets funding priorities?
Are you currently opening identifying as disabled, managing a chronic illness, and/or dealing with aging issues in your workplace or with contracting companies, or in volunteer roles?
 Do you have any colleagues on your team or in your organization who identify as disabled/chronically ill/aging?
Have you ever been physically touched, grabbed, picked up, patted on the head, had your assistive equipment handled without your consent by a peer, superior, or donor in a work environment?
Have you belonged to any other employee resource groups (ERGs), affinity groups for disabled/chronically ill/aging people? Any for other groups (parents, LGBT, etc.) where you found support?

The ALL ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE section deals with attitudes, principles, and practices related to philanthropy and fundraising that you’ve dealt with. 

You’ll choose 3-5 questions from a long list that you feel most moved to answer. Or answer as many as you like!
How have you learned from/found support for advancing disability inclusion from other marginalized communities that you’re a member of?
What has your most positive experience of being disabled/chronically ill/aging in your philanthropic work life been?
What type of system changes or workplace policy in philanthropic spaces have/would you recommend, based on your experience of disability/chronic illness/aging?
What was it like to disclose your disability, chronic illness, and/or aging issue in your philanthropic work life?
What was it like to hide your disability, chronic illness, and/or aging issue in your philanthropic work life?
Can you describe any gaps you’ve seen between commitments to disability inclusion in principle versus practice?
In what ways has your experience with disability, chronic illness, and/or aging been helpful/a hindrance to your work and advancement?
How would you describe the understanding of ableism within philanthropy, both as a workplace itself and in terms of seeking/giving funding?
Has the focus of your fundraising work ever been disability-related?
If yes, did you have any opinions about how disability was framed and whether disabled people were leading it?
If no, did you have any see it as a viable possibility, that disability could be a future focus?
Philanthropic and development goals typically require access to spaces where socializing happens, travel, and multiple forms of communication. Can you describe instances when your work was affected by access barriers and/or the costs related to them that you’ve had to cover?
Good allies and collaborative partners don’t reveal problematic attitudes to disabled partners, or require significant labor from us to educate them. Can you describe examples of when you had to deal with attitude-related barriers in your philanthropic and/or development work?
If you could give just one piece of advice to your younger self about being a disabled person in philanthropy, what would it be?

Interested in sharing your expertise and experience through the DiD Project? Let me know! Email me at

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